Happy New Year and Such

Happy New Years from Stubecontinued!  I've got some great new stuff in the works for 2012.  This will be the first year I plan to really try some singlespeed racing, building a new "race bike" and  looking at the Sea Otter Classic and other bay area races to get my feet wet in the racing world.  I'm also working on a new bicycle based WebTV/YouTube show called The Bike Stand with my best friend Matt out in Boulder Colorado.  We'll be focusing on multiple aspects of the growing bike culture revolution; from interviews with bike brands and businesses, reviews of bike gear, covering events like the North American Handmade Bicycle Show this spring, doing DIY bicycle projects, filming rides and races in Boulder and Northern California, to bike based skits and entertaining fluff.  I've been experimenting with using my new Contour Roam helmet camera and reaching out to the network of "bike folks" I've built up over the last few years.  We have a Facebook page up, we have a plethora of ideas for content, and we have a drive to create entertaining content that reflects our passion for cycling.  Keep an eye out for more biking the good life in 2012!


  1. "The Bike Stand" sounds interesting. Good luck, and keep us posted!


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